Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hi Guys!

Hi from court. I'm serving on a jury but should be back soon.

Keep up the good work. Remember to write down anything you don't understand. We will go over all of this when I get back, so don't panic if you're confused about things.

Miss you and see you soon!

Mr. A.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

AP Physics Class Work Jan 27th - Feb 2nd 2011

Working in groups. Use all 6 computers. Groups should be no bigger than 2 people. No arguments on this!

1. I will post the solutions to the Chapter 11 homework that you were assigned on Tuesday, January 25th. Check it over. We will go over any questions you have when I return.

2. Multimedia Science School – software on computer – on Novell screen. You have used this before.

Click on Physics, Oscillations and Waves, Oscillations, Lesson, Introducing Oscillations. Go through all pages. Try out each simulation multiple times with different variables. Read all of the pages. Write up a summary of what you learned and what you saw happen in each simulation. Do NOT copy the summary from the software. Submit the summary and what you learned via email in a Word document. Include the names of everyone in your group and the date. Submit it each day, whether you have finished or not. Also include any questions you have or things you didn’t understand.

3. Multimedia Science School – click on
Physics, Oscillations and Waves, Wave Behavior, Lesson, How Waves Behave
Same directions as above.

4. Multimedia Science School – click on
Physics, Oscillations and Waves, Combining Waves, Lesson, Superposition of Waves
Same directions as above.

When you finish all of this, you move onto the next step.

5. Watch these videos – keep volume low enough not to bother other groups, but loud enough that you can hear it. Take notes. Submit notes and questions you have to me via email.

6. Read Chapter 12 Sound at home

7. - go through all 5 lessons. Write up a summary and any questions you have in MS Word and submit it, with group member’s names at top, to me via email ( each day whether finished or not.

Schedule Update

Today we finished Chp 11 - homework is #53, 55, 61, 65

(remember you also had some from the first part of the chapter.)

I will check the homework and we'll go over it later.

Midterm Exam Grades are posted

Midterm exam grades are posted in PowerTeacher. There is a 10 point curve included in your grade (so your actual grade was 10 points lower).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Google Science Fair 2011 - very cool

Google Science Fair, a global, online science competition, is live today.

Google, in partnership with CERN, LEGO, Scientific American, and National Geographic is sponsoring this contest. Students aged 13-18 from around the world can enter singly or in groups of up to three students. Prizes include internships and scholarships and finalists will be flown to Google's Headquarters in California for the finale. Students have until April 4th, 2011 to complete their entry.

If you are interested in this, go to this site and read more about it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Donors Choose Permission Slips

Don't forget to bring in the signed permission slips for the Donors Choose project.

This is very important!

If you can't find yours, forgot it at school, or left it in my room, here is a copy for you:

"donors choose permission slip.pdf"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Your midterm is

Tuesday, January 18th
Period 3 Exam 0800 - 1000
Homeroom 1005 - 1015
Period 4 Exam 1020-1220
Buses leave at 1225. Lunch will be served at 1225, but no buses will be here. If you stay for lunch, you must get your own ride home.

Your midterm will be on Chapters 1 - 11 10. Review your notes, each chapter, your homework and your quizzes and tests. Try some of the problems again and see if you can solve them. There will be no formal review but I will answer any questions you have. You should start reviewing this weekend (and tomorrow).

UPDATE: It will only be on Chapters 1-10.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4th assignment

Today we will go over the homework, and then write some thank you notes for Donor's Choose and then you will do activities on fluids.

Donors Choose Thanks you's:
You will each write a short letter thanking "Redditor from Bridgeport" for the Flip video camera and the printer/scanner which we are using for the Physics website that you guys are working on. Thank them for their generosity and talk about how much it means to be able to use these things.

Email me the letters at

Fluids activities: