1. BE on time! Report directly to the classroom; do not socialize in the hallway. “I had to go to my locker” is not an excuse for being late. If you need to use the restroom, go on your way to class. If you need to talk to another teacher, your administrator, or your counselor, come to class first and ask for a pass. When the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat with your materials on your desk. You are NOT on time if the bell rings as you are walking through the door! All tardies (and absences) will be recorded. Tardies do count against your grade. PLAN AHEAD!
2. BE prepared! You must bring a pen or pencil, calculator and a notebook with you to class everyday. If homework is due, you must bring it with you. Make sure you are organized and bring the correct notebook with you to class. If you come to class unprepared, it will count against your grade. Homework must be turned in on time. I suggest using a three ring binder as a notebook so that you can keep all your handouts in it as well.
3. BE organized! Place all handouts, worksheets, homework assignments, tests, etc., in your folder or binder. This can be a valuable resource when preparing for exams.
4. BE AWARE! Complete all assignments! If you do not complete an assignment on time, you will be given a “zero” for the assignment. Late assignments will have points deducted, as will incomplete assignments. If you are absent, YOU MUST ASK WHAT YOU MISSED AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS! That is your responsibility! If you are absent on a day that an assignment is given, you must complete the work for the next day. If you are absent the day that an assignment is DUE, it must be handed-in on the next school day! If you are absent the day before an exam, you will take the exam with the remainder of the class. Make-up tests are given only to students who miss several days of school before an exam. If the school considers an absence unexcused or a cut, you will receive no credit for all of the work that you missed during those days. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you will make it up the next day you are in class.
5. BE responsible! You must do all of the assigned work, including homework, reading, and reports. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER, YOU WILL GET NO CREDIT! If your paper is “identical” to a paper submitted from another student, you and that person will receive no credit for your work. If you are caught copying another student’s work, you and the person that you are copying from will get no credit for the assignment. If you are caught “cheating” in class, YOU will receive no credit for your work.
6. BE respectful! Treat others the way that you want to be treated. Respect should be shown to your teachers, fellow classmates, younger students, administration, and visitors. Keep your hands to yourself. Raise your hand if you have a question. Do not ask meaningless questions (CLASS CLOWN?). Any inappropriate behaviors that limit the learning of others will not be tolerated! They will be count against your grade and could lead to detention.
7. BE SMART! Follow all school rules (dress properly, no candy/gum, no hats, no MP3 players, no cell phones). Use the restroom for emergencies ONLY! If restroom use becomes a problem, you will be referred to the nurse. 4th and 5th period students should use the restroom during their LUNCH period.
8. BE in school! Absences will obviously occur throughout the school year; however, it is important that you miss as few days as possible. When you miss school, you miss important assignments, notes, and activities in all of your classes (which can be very difficult to make-up). Please check the class website (www.physicsmedic.org) to see what you missed. You can also email me at dandrade@bridgeportedu.net.
9. BE AWARE! Failure to complete assignments restricts your ability to be successful. You must do all of the homework to be successful in class. You must read any reading assignments given. You must come for extra help if you are having trouble. You must use the resources on the class website to help you. www.physicsmedic.org > “Useful Links” and “File Cabinet”.
10. BE SUCCESSFUL! Everyone in this room can EARN an “A” in science. Follow the rules and do what is asked of you. Your FUTURE starts now! Being successful in school will lead to success in life.
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