Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Remember to return your textbooks to me!

Don't forget to return your textbooks to me. Bring them to my room anytime this week.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rockets Project Information and Directions:

Rockets Project Information and Directions:

Save your notes from the WebQuest. You will need them for the final project report.

Everyone needs their own project packet. Make sure you read it all.
  • Put your name on it!
  • Read the whole thing.
  • You will be filling in the notes, questions, calculations and more as you build the rocket. 
  • Bring the packet to class every day. 
  • Everyone will have to write up their own project report (in their own words) and turn in the packet. 
  • Reports will be due by the Final Exam.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to start the report. You can work on it as you go through the project and then just finalize it after the launch. 

Rocket kits go into box top with paper with all team members' names.
All equipment gets returned to the front of the room (glue, tape, rulers, etc).
  • Make sure tops are tightly closed on glue.
  • X-Acto knives get signed out and returned to me. 

Read all of the instructions carefully before starting any building of the rocket.

Tentative Launch Date: (it is better if you are done earlier and we launch earlier, in case of rain)
Wednesday, May 23rd. Rain date is Friday, May 25th.

Final Exam information (reminder)

Final Exams (Seniors) These are during normal, long class periods.
Tuesday, 5/29 - Periods 1 and 7
Your final is on all topics from the beginning of the year. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rockets WebQuest

Rockets WebQuest
 Mr. Andrade

This WebQuest will help students gain an understanding of rockets and rocket flight, how physics fundamentals are related to rockets, and how we will use model rockets.
1.    go to http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/rocket/index.html and read the page.

2.    click on “Guided Tours” on this page

3.    on the “Guided Tours” page (http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/rocket/guided.htm ) go down the page to the “Rockets” section. You need to go through each section:
After you read each page, click on the  

Make sure you click on the 

Take notes on each page you visit. Your notes will be graded as the first part of the Rockets Unit. Pay particular attention to the “Model Rocket” section of “Types of Rockets.”

You will be calculating a predicted altitude for your rockets before launch, and then we will see who's is the most accurate.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homework, Schedule and Finals

Today, we finished Black Holes and did Radioactivity.

Homework: DUE MONDAY: 
Chapter 30, Problems #12, 16, 24, 27
Chapter 31, Problems #17, 20, 25


We will start the Rockets project on Friday, 5/4 ( May the fourth be with you)

Monday 5/7 - go over homework and Rockets project.
(no class Wed due to early dismissal)

Friday, 5/11 ->  Rockets project (different than one Physics class does. You will have to do more construction) You will need to move quickly on the project.
Target launch date is Wednesday, 5/23 with a rain date of Friday 5/25.

Final Exam: Tuesday, 5/29 during period 7 class time. Exam will be on every topic since start of year (do not panic)