Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Exam info

Your final exam is on Thursday, June 3rd during period 4 (normal time).

Your final exam will be cumulative. You will get a review sheet to do on Friday, May 28th. As long as you can do the material on the review sheet you will do fine on the final. Do not panic.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Flight Webquest


Flight WebQuest

This WebQuest will help students gain an understanding of aircraft, flight, propulsion and how physics fundamentals are related to rockets, and how we will use model rockets.

1. Go to


and read the page.

2. Click on Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics (http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/bga.html) and read the entire page.

3. Towards the end of the main part of the page you will see “Guided Tours”. Click on this.

(http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/guided.htm )

4. You are now at the “Guided Tours of the BGA

5. Go through the “Fundementals” section and click on each topic below it.

After you read each page, click on the button.

Make sure you click on the button next to the topic you are on. For example, when in “Aircraft Weight”, multiple sections appear at the bottom of the page. Make sure you click on the one next to “Aircraft Weight”.

6. When you finish all 7 topics under “Fundementals”, go to the “Powered Aircraft” section and go through all 5 topics, including the sub-topics under “Parts of an Airplane.”

7. When you finish “Powered Aircraft” go to “Aircraft Thrust” and do the “Propulsion Systems” section (8 subtopics).

8. The final part of this WebQuest is to go back up to the “Gliders” section and do “Gliding Flight.”

This will prepare you for the project that you will be doing next (building and flying gliders)