Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome Review Materials for AP Test

Check out the materials on this web page:

This is a great place to start for reviewing for the AP Physics B exam.

Wednesday, 4/28 and Friday. 4/30

We will be working on some online labs and watching some videos for the final section of the class.

Multimedia Science School
- Physics
--- Molecules, Atoms, Nuclei
------ Radioactivity
------ LESSON
------ Radioactive Decay Patterns

Modern and Atomic Physics
Experiment 50 Rutheford Model of the Atom
Experiment 51 Bohr Model of the Atom
Experiment 52 Schrodinger and Bohr Model
Experiment 53 Relativity
Experiment 54 Radioactive Decay
Experiment 55 Half-Life

3. Videos - summary of the rest of the concepts.

Monday, April 26th

Today we are continuing the virtual labs online. You will be able to document everything on the computer and submit to me via the "Submit files to Mr. Andrade" link to the right.

You will be going to the LAB WEB SITE and completing the virtual lab. The lab instructions are posted on the class site HERE and HERE. You can download it to the computer and fill it out electronically, then save it and submit it as noted above. Go to the website and click "Run Now".

geometric optics_phet lab.doc
Ray Optics PhET Lab.doc

If you have time, you can also do the following as a review of the material:

Multimedia Science School
–Oscillations and Waves
- Ray Optics
–Wave Behavior
– How Waves Behave
–Combining Waves
•Lesson – Superposition of Waves

You will also be given a practice test to take home and complete this week. It will be due on Friday and then I will give you the solutions to check your work.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thursday, 4-22-10

Today is Earth Day. As part of Earth Day, we are not going to use any paper in class today.

We will be going over some problems from Chp 22-25 on the board. The solutions are already posted for all 4 chapters online, so you don't need to write anything down.

After that, we will be doing virtual labs online. You will be able to document everything on the computer and submit to me via the "Submit files to Mr. Andrade" link to the right.

You will be going to the LAB WEB SITE and completing the virtual lab. The lab instructions are posted on the class site HERE and HERE. You can download it to the computer and fill it out electronically, then save it and submit it as noted above. Go to the website and click "Run Now".

geometric optics_phet lab.doc
Ray Optics PhET Lab.doc

If you have time, you can also do the following as a review of the material:

Multimedia Science School
–Oscillations and Waves
- Ray Optics
–Wave Behavior
– How Waves Behave
–Combining Waves
•Lesson – Superposition of Waves

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Solutions to Chp 22, 23, and 24 problems

The solutions to the Chp 22, 23, and 24 problems are now posted HERE.

Make sure you have done the problems 1st on your own, then look to the solutions for help.

Make a note of any questions you have so we can go over those questions when we return to class.

Hope you are a having a good vacation.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9th

Don't forget to look at the post below this one to see your assignments for April Vacation.

Today we will go over the Chp 21 homework problems and then you will do the online activity shown below.

Go to Novell Screen.
Click on Multimedia Science School.
Electromagnetic Induction
Laws of Induction.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

AP Physics - April Vacation Plans

Friday, April 9th we will go over the Chapter 21 homework and do an online interactive lab.

We are quickly approaching the time for the AP test so we need to speed things up a bit.

Over the break, instead of a practice test, I want you to do the next three chapters on your own. We would have done them in class if we had school.

You should read the chapter and the slides, which are all uploaded to the site, and then do the homework as noted below. If you have time, you can try any of the online simulations and review sites that may be in the slides.

Homework problems:
Chapter 22 - 3, 9, 21, 25, 33
Chapter 23 - 5, 15, 17, 29, 35, 43, 55
Chapter 24 - 5, 9, 15, 23, 29, 41

When you return from April vacation we will go over these chapters in a quick summary and review and then go over some of the problems. I will post all of the solutions after that.

You will have a practice exam to take one weekend before the test date.

Read the chapter, then the slides, and make sure to go through the examples in the book.
Email me if you have any problems or questions. I will be checking my email throughout the week.

Here are some web sites to go for more help:

These three from the Physics Classroom are really great and explain things well. The ones from "Monterey" are really good videos of the topics.

Click on this symbol:

Good luck. We are almost at the finish line.